Construction Brokers, Inc.
CBI Project Name/Number
Subcontractor Name
Stage 1 Pre-Bid Site Inspection
1. Obtain a copy of specifications and plans from CBI or owner/agent.
2. Attend site walk-through or make arrangements to visit site with CBI or owner.
3. Make a digital video or photographic record of key elements on the job & retain.
4. Confirm with CBI that you have sufficient insurance coverage for project scope.
Stage 2 Preparing Your Bid
1. Submit a written proposal on or before due date to CBI.
2. Proposals must provide the following details:
a. Materials cost – for T&M work only, with an estimated “cap” or total Not To Exceed (NTE).
b. Labor cost number, with number of workers & total estimated hours – T&M work only.
c. Sales tax and amount likely to be incurred, if any, for T&M work only.
d. Profit percentage notes for T&M work only.
e. Schedule of availability of your crews for all bids.
f. Detailed alternates with separate pricing for all bids.
g. Identify your ‘point person’ if someone other than CBI’s contact for all bids.
3. Separate written notification of any unusual concerns on this project.
4. Submit proposal, which if accepted, will be attached to CBI contract document.
5. Note in writing on document whether or not bid includes sales tax.
Stage 3 Contract Awarded
1. Assign a project manager or point person for CBI on the job.
2. Order material once contract is in place.
3. Request copies of final plans & specifications.
4. Attend pre-construction meeting, set up by CBI.
5. Obtain all necessary or required permits and licenses prior to start of construction.
6. Send a copy of your insurance coverage to CBI.
Stage 4 Start of Construction
1. Deliver materials & equipment and leave at approved, secure staging area.
2. Confirm with CBI project manager your crew work schedules and completion dates.
3. Identify up front any long-lead times for materials, plans, permits, inspections, etc.
Stage 5 On the Job Site
1. Your Project Manager or Superintendent is to notify the CBI Project Manager on arrival, exchange cell phone
numbers and contact options.
2. All Change Orders (plus extensions) must be signed & approved by CBI Project Manager before work begins
3. No smoking, drinking, or eating on the job site except in designated area.
4. Do not engage in flirtatious conversations or promiscuous activities with anyone that works at or enters
the building for personal business.
5. Observe all safety regulations, protective gear, signs, and notifications.
6. Find site Fire Extinguishers and bring welding blankets, hoods, or other safety equipment as needed.
7. No salvaging of materials allowed by your crews.
8. Designated restroom facilities and “wet sink” areas to be strictly observed.
9. Personnel must sign-in on site and use designed entrances and exits when so notified.
10. Maintain weekly or daily timecards on all T&M work. These must be signed by the CBI Project Manager.
11. Clean up all trash and haul away on a daily basis.
12. Map alternate exit route from the building on the day your crew starts the job in the event of a disaster.
13. Bring your own FIRST AID kit to the job site every day and have it well stocked.
14. In the event of any incident, notify the CBI Project Manager immediately via phone or text message.
Stage 6 Working with the Elevator Company and the Elevator Mechanic (MIC)
1. Do not engage in any verbal / physical confrontations with the on-site mechanic or anyone representing
the building personnel. If there is an issue or personality conflict, contact your supervisor and the CBI
superintendent for rectification.
2. Notify someone if you leave the jobsite.
3. Keep and maintain a professional attitude and appearance when on-site.
4. Do not schedule future work with the MIC without notifying the CBI superintendent.
5. Stay within the confines of your designated work area. Do not wander the building or enter places that
do not pertain to your work.
6. The MIC cannot sign a Work Order or Change Order for you. Only the CBI Project Manager can do so.
7. Never enter an elevator pit or hoistway without FIRST informing the MIC of your plans for safe access.
Stage 7 Substantial Completion of the Job
1. Clean-up all of your trash and haul away.
2. Remove all of your equipment and unused materials.
3. Walk the job site with the Project Manager when your work has been completed.
4. Obtain copy of punch list and complete work to CBI satisfaction.
Stage 8 Invoicing of the Job
1. Submit all invoicing w/CBI’s project number and detail with breakouts as follows:
a. All labor, for T&M work, with hourly rate, fringe costs, and number of hours worked.
b. Describe all materials purchased with receipts attached for T&M work.
c. Include all sales taxes as applicable.
d. Explanations for anything unusual or extra work or costs.
e. Attach all copies of signed CBI-approved change orders.
Accepted and Approved by:
Authorized Subcontractor Representative:
Signature: ______________________________
Date: __________________________________
Print Name: ________________________